
This information is from: a-z-animals.com/animals-a-z.php
- Adelie Penguin
- African Clawed Frog
- Alligator
- Anteater(pangolin:toothless mammal)
- Antrlope(deer-like)
- Arctic Hare(bunny)
- Armadillo
- Axoloti
- Aye Aye
B Animals
- Baboon
- Bactrain Camel
- Badger
- Barnacle
- Bat
- Bear
- Bearded Dragon
- Beaver
- Binturong
- Bird
- Bison
- Black Widow Spider
- Blue Whale
- Bobcat
- Bongo
- Bonobo
- Bottle Nosed Dolphin
- Buffalo
- Bull Shark
- Bullfrog
- Burrowing Frog
C Animals
- Caiman
- Camel
- Capybara
- Caracal
- Cat
- Chameleon
- Chamois
- Cheetah
- Chimpanzee
- Chinchilla
- Chinstrap Penguin
- Chipmunk
- Clouded Leopard
- Coati
- Collared Peccary
- Common Frog
- Common Toad
- Coral
- Cougar
- Cow
- Coyote
- Crab
- Crab-Eating Macaque
- Crocodile
- Cuscus
- Cuttlefish
D Animals
- Deer
- Desert Tortoise
- Dingo
- Dog
- Dolphin
- Donkey
- Duqonq
- Dusky Dolphinh
Here are only SOME animals in the world! I am too tried to do anymore!
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