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Lists of animals! A-D

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  1. Adelie Penguin

  2. African Clawed Frog

  3. Alligator

  4. Anteater(pangolin:toothless mammal)

  5. Antrlope(deer-like)

  6. Arctic Hare(bunny)

  7. Armadillo

  8. Axoloti

  9. Aye Aye

B Animals

  1. Baboon

  2. Bactrain Camel

  3. Badger

  4. Barnacle

  5. Bat

  6. Bear

  7. Bearded Dragon

  8. Beaver

  9. Binturong

  10. Bird

  11. Bison

  12. Black Widow Spider

  13. Blue Whale

  14. Bobcat

  15. Bongo

  16. Bonobo

  17. Bottle Nosed Dolphin

  18. Buffalo

  19. Bull Shark

  20. Bullfrog

  21. Burrowing Frog

C Animals

  1. Caiman

  2. Camel

  3. Capybara

  4. Caracal

  5. Cat

  6. Chameleon

  7. Chamois

  8. Cheetah

  9. Chimpanzee

  10. Chinchilla

  11. Chinstrap Penguin

  12. Chipmunk

  13. Clouded Leopard

  14. Coati

  15. Collared Peccary

  16. Common Frog

  17. Common Toad

  18. Coral

  19. Cougar

  20. Cow

  21. Coyote

  22. Crab

  23. Crab-Eating Macaque

  24. Crocodile

  25. Cuscus

  26. Cuttlefish

D Animals

  1. Deer

  2. Desert Tortoise

  3. Dingo

  4. Dog

  5. Dolphin

  6. Donkey

  7. Duqonq

  8. Dusky Dolphinh

Here are only SOME animals in the world! I am too tried to do anymore!

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