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Okay,welcome back! :)

Okay, now through out this blog i haven't really talked about how to save animals

So right now i am going to tell you how.Saving animals in a second step. Saving the environment is the first step. You have to help the environment first before you help the cute animals! Here are some steps to help the environment and the animals...

  1. Don't throw plastic paper into the sea or any type of water where there is fishes because fishes don't know a lot of things. So they go into the bags and they get stuck. You may think there are still alot of fishes in the world but if we keep doing this than in a couple of week or months we might not even have 1000 fish left. Picture from:


2. Don't use a lot of paper because if we use alot of paper than people are going to cut down the trees for us. If they cut down trees than what will our wild animals eat? Some animals eat tree or nature plants. If we cut down on what they eat than they are going to die because of no food.

Do you see how saving the environment can help the animals too. So really think hard about helping the environment and how it's the same to the animals.

My Birthday At The Zoo.

Guess what? Yesterday was my birthday! I celebrated my birthday at the Toronto Zoo. It was so cool there! At first my family and i got lost at the Zoo because we didn't know where we were going

When we were walking, we saw a polar bear swimming in the water! It was so cool. The polar bear was swimming backwards and then frontwards. You know i never seen a polar bear swim before in my life. So that was cool to see.

Also when we were walking and on the tour bus, we saw a 2m tall giraffe and their legs were also 2m's long! I saw three giraffes but i think there were more! You know, I've never seen a giraffe in my life. I saw a Tiger.http://


I remember when i was young, my dad brought a bunch of frogs and fishes home. They all got out

of the bag somehow and me, my the dad, and my sister were trying to catch frogs. It was so wet

and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww and nasty! Hey don't ever touch a frog! They may look cute but

their not really! Frogs have webbed feet. They have webbed feet because it helps them jump a

great distance. I don't know alot about frogs but i got this information from:

This picture is from:


This photo is from:
Some animals have hooks on their feet like bats.Bats have hooks on their feet because when they are hanging down a tree they need something to help them stay on the trees or else they will just fall and hurt their head!:)

Some of these animals are from asia! If you want to learn more about asia than go to my firends

Lists of animals! M-Z

This information is from:

M Animals

  1. Macaroni Penguin
  2. Manatee
  3. Mandrill
  4. Mayfly
  5. Meerkat Minke Whale
  6. Mole
  7. Mongoose
  8. Monitor Lizard
  9. Monkey
  10. Moose
  11. Moray Eel
  12. Mountain Gorilla
  13. Mountain Lion
  14. Mouse
  15. Mule

N Animals

  1. Neanderthal
  2. Newt
  3. Nymbat
  4. Nurse Shark

O Animals

  1. Ocelot
  2. Octopus
  3. Okapi
  4. Opossum
  5. Orang-utan
  6. Otter

P Animals

  1. Pademelon
  2. Panther
  3. Patas Monkey
  4. Pig
  5. Pika
  6. Pink Fairy Armadilla
  7. PlatyPus
  8. Poison Dart Frog
  9. Porcupine
  10. Possum
  11. Prawn
  12. Proboscis Monkey
  13. Puma
  14. Pygmy Marmoset

Q Animals

  1. Quoll

R Animals

  1. Rabbit
  2. Raccoon
  3. Rat
  4. Rattlesnake
  5. Red Knee Tarantula
  6. Red Panda
  7. Reindeer
  8. Rhino
  9. River Dolphin
  10. River Turtle

S Animals

  1. Salamander
  2. Scoripona
  3. Sea Lion
  4. Sea Otter
  5. Sea Slug
  6. Sea Squirt
  7. Sea Turtle
  8. Sea Urchin
  9. Seal
  10. Serval
  11. Sheep
  12. Shrimp
  13. Skunk
  14. Sloth
  15. Snake
  16. Snapping Turtle
  17. Spadefoot Toad
  18. Spider Monkey
  19. Spiny Dogfish
  20. Sponge
  21. Squid
  22. Squirrel
  23. Squirrel Monkey
  24. Srarfish
  25. Stoat

W Animals

  1. Wallaby
  2. Walrus
  3. Warthog
  4. Water Buffalo
  5. Water Dragon
  6. Weasel
  7. Whale Shark
  8. White Faced Capunchin
  9. White Rhino
  10. White Tiger
  11. Wildebeest
  12. Wolf
  13. Wolverine
  14. Wombat
  15. Woolly Monkey
  16. Wrasse

Y Animals

  1. Yak

Z Animals

  1. Zebra
  2. Zebra Shark
  3. Zebu
  4. Zonkey
  5. Zorse

Lists of animals! E-L

This information is from:

E Animals
  1. Earwig(insect)
  2. Echidna
  3. Elephant
  4. Elephant Seal
  5. Elephant Shrew
  6. Emperor Penguin

F Animals

  1. Fennec Fox
  2. Ferret
  3. Fin Whale
  4. Fire-Bellied Toad
  5. Fish
  6. Flying Squirrel
  7. Fossa
  8. Fox
  9. Frilled Lizard
  10. Frog
  11. Fur Seal

G Animals

  1. Galapaqos Tortoise
  2. Gecko
  3. Gerbil
  4. Gharial
  5. Giant African Land Snail
  6. Giant Clam
  7. Gibbon
  8. Gila Monster
  9. Giraffe
  10. Goat
  11. Golden Lion Tamarin
  12. Gopher
  13. Gorilla
  14. Great White Shark
  15. Grey Reef Shark
  16. Grey Seal
  17. Grouse
  18. Guinea Pig

H Animals

  1. Hammerhead Shark
  2. Hamster
  3. Hare
  4. Hedgehog
  5. Hermit Crab
  6. Highland Cattle
  7. Hippo
  8. Horned Frog Horse
  9. Howler Monkey
  10. Human
  11. Humpback Whale
  12. Hyena

I Animals

  1. Iguana
  2. Impala
  3. Indian Palm Squirrel
  4. Insect

J Animals

  1. Jackal
  2. Jaguar
  3. Jellyfish

K Animals

  1. Kakapo
  2. Kangaroo
  3. Killer Whale
  4. King Crab
  5. Koala
  6. Komodo Dragon
  7. Kudu

L Animals

  1. Lemming
  2. Lemur
  3. Leopard
  4. Leopard Seal
  5. Liger
  6. Lion
  7. Lizard
  8. Llama
  9. Lobster
  10. Lynx

OK Thats all for today! Check me out tommorow! byebye