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Some of these animals are from asia! If you want to learn more about asia than go to my firends

Lists of animals! M-Z

This information is from:

M Animals

  1. Macaroni Penguin
  2. Manatee
  3. Mandrill
  4. Mayfly
  5. Meerkat Minke Whale
  6. Mole
  7. Mongoose
  8. Monitor Lizard
  9. Monkey
  10. Moose
  11. Moray Eel
  12. Mountain Gorilla
  13. Mountain Lion
  14. Mouse
  15. Mule

N Animals

  1. Neanderthal
  2. Newt
  3. Nymbat
  4. Nurse Shark

O Animals

  1. Ocelot
  2. Octopus
  3. Okapi
  4. Opossum
  5. Orang-utan
  6. Otter

P Animals

  1. Pademelon
  2. Panther
  3. Patas Monkey
  4. Pig
  5. Pika
  6. Pink Fairy Armadilla
  7. PlatyPus
  8. Poison Dart Frog
  9. Porcupine
  10. Possum
  11. Prawn
  12. Proboscis Monkey
  13. Puma
  14. Pygmy Marmoset

Q Animals

  1. Quoll

R Animals

  1. Rabbit
  2. Raccoon
  3. Rat
  4. Rattlesnake
  5. Red Knee Tarantula
  6. Red Panda
  7. Reindeer
  8. Rhino
  9. River Dolphin
  10. River Turtle

S Animals

  1. Salamander
  2. Scoripona
  3. Sea Lion
  4. Sea Otter
  5. Sea Slug
  6. Sea Squirt
  7. Sea Turtle
  8. Sea Urchin
  9. Seal
  10. Serval
  11. Sheep
  12. Shrimp
  13. Skunk
  14. Sloth
  15. Snake
  16. Snapping Turtle
  17. Spadefoot Toad
  18. Spider Monkey
  19. Spiny Dogfish
  20. Sponge
  21. Squid
  22. Squirrel
  23. Squirrel Monkey
  24. Srarfish
  25. Stoat

W Animals

  1. Wallaby
  2. Walrus
  3. Warthog
  4. Water Buffalo
  5. Water Dragon
  6. Weasel
  7. Whale Shark
  8. White Faced Capunchin
  9. White Rhino
  10. White Tiger
  11. Wildebeest
  12. Wolf
  13. Wolverine
  14. Wombat
  15. Woolly Monkey
  16. Wrasse

Y Animals

  1. Yak

Z Animals

  1. Zebra
  2. Zebra Shark
  3. Zebu
  4. Zonkey
  5. Zorse

Lists of animals! E-L

This information is from:

E Animals
  1. Earwig(insect)
  2. Echidna
  3. Elephant
  4. Elephant Seal
  5. Elephant Shrew
  6. Emperor Penguin

F Animals

  1. Fennec Fox
  2. Ferret
  3. Fin Whale
  4. Fire-Bellied Toad
  5. Fish
  6. Flying Squirrel
  7. Fossa
  8. Fox
  9. Frilled Lizard
  10. Frog
  11. Fur Seal

G Animals

  1. Galapaqos Tortoise
  2. Gecko
  3. Gerbil
  4. Gharial
  5. Giant African Land Snail
  6. Giant Clam
  7. Gibbon
  8. Gila Monster
  9. Giraffe
  10. Goat
  11. Golden Lion Tamarin
  12. Gopher
  13. Gorilla
  14. Great White Shark
  15. Grey Reef Shark
  16. Grey Seal
  17. Grouse
  18. Guinea Pig

H Animals

  1. Hammerhead Shark
  2. Hamster
  3. Hare
  4. Hedgehog
  5. Hermit Crab
  6. Highland Cattle
  7. Hippo
  8. Horned Frog Horse
  9. Howler Monkey
  10. Human
  11. Humpback Whale
  12. Hyena

I Animals

  1. Iguana
  2. Impala
  3. Indian Palm Squirrel
  4. Insect

J Animals

  1. Jackal
  2. Jaguar
  3. Jellyfish

K Animals

  1. Kakapo
  2. Kangaroo
  3. Killer Whale
  4. King Crab
  5. Koala
  6. Komodo Dragon
  7. Kudu

L Animals

  1. Lemming
  2. Lemur
  3. Leopard
  4. Leopard Seal
  5. Liger
  6. Lion
  7. Lizard
  8. Llama
  9. Lobster
  10. Lynx

OK Thats all for today! Check me out tommorow! byebye

Lists of animals! A-D

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This information is from:


  1. Adelie Penguin

  2. African Clawed Frog

  3. Alligator

  4. Anteater(pangolin:toothless mammal)

  5. Antrlope(deer-like)

  6. Arctic Hare(bunny)

  7. Armadillo

  8. Axoloti

  9. Aye Aye

B Animals

  1. Baboon

  2. Bactrain Camel

  3. Badger

  4. Barnacle

  5. Bat

  6. Bear

  7. Bearded Dragon

  8. Beaver

  9. Binturong

  10. Bird

  11. Bison

  12. Black Widow Spider

  13. Blue Whale

  14. Bobcat

  15. Bongo

  16. Bonobo

  17. Bottle Nosed Dolphin

  18. Buffalo

  19. Bull Shark

  20. Bullfrog

  21. Burrowing Frog

C Animals

  1. Caiman

  2. Camel

  3. Capybara

  4. Caracal

  5. Cat

  6. Chameleon

  7. Chamois

  8. Cheetah

  9. Chimpanzee

  10. Chinchilla

  11. Chinstrap Penguin

  12. Chipmunk

  13. Clouded Leopard

  14. Coati

  15. Collared Peccary

  16. Common Frog

  17. Common Toad

  18. Coral

  19. Cougar

  20. Cow

  21. Coyote

  22. Crab

  23. Crab-Eating Macaque

  24. Crocodile

  25. Cuscus

  26. Cuttlefish

D Animals

  1. Deer

  2. Desert Tortoise

  3. Dingo

  4. Dog

  5. Dolphin

  6. Donkey

  7. Duqonq

  8. Dusky Dolphinh

Here are only SOME animals in the world! I am too tried to do anymore!


The website where this information is from
  • Five small dogs were killed by their owner with a HAMMER in NB.
  • A family cat was MICROWAVED to DEATH in Alberta.
  • A 10 week old puppy was THROWN from the 10th FLOOR OF AN ONTARIO APARTMENT BUILDING by its OWNER and DIED!

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Animal Abuse

Look at this picture right here.How do you feel? piWhen i look at this picture,i had a weird feeling in my tummy.This is like 1 out of 1 000 000 things that people are doing to this poor,hurtful animal who can't speak for him/herself.How can he/her hear NOW? This is not a problem that can grow back and hope for the best.It is a problem that this doggy can never hear again!SAD ISN'T?Treat you pets with LOVE! You are so lucky that you have animals as pets.Some kids WISH they have animal but their mom and dad would not let them. If you have a pet.. i am BEGGING you to treat them with LOVE!

This photo is from:


Birds are cool.They can fly,walk,make nests out of nature,and eat!At night time,birds fly into windows because they think it's the sun light. Millions of birds have died beacuse of this reason.
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Welcome To Help Animals 2010

Welcome To Help Animals 2010! I hope this blog will open your heart! If you love animals, or if you want to know more about them/trying to help them then you are going to love this blog.Some of the things you are seeing or hearing are shocking so you've got to be ready! Hope you enjoy my blog!
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Different Animals!

There are a bunch of animals out there that could be unknown. These different animals can be very cool.Some are big,some small,some wild some not,some loud,some soft,some walk,some fly,some talk and some don't. Lots of animals are different.Not alot different.. just by abit.You know this blog is not going to be all sad and crying it is also going to be happy and fun! It is going to be happy and fun because i going to tell you how there are lots of different animals in the world! cool?

This photo is from:


This photo is from:
Animals have been hurting for years tand it is time to stop this.Animals can't speak for themselves to tell us how they feel! Animals have been hunted,beaten,caged,tortured,and starved to death!Why do we do it?For FUN and MONEY?Well to animals is not really fair!Animals have rights too!Animals have feelings... Every time you hurt them do you every think about how they feel? How they think?If people keep on doing this, than in the future,little kids are not going to see these wonderful animals than are so lucky to be alive! I don't think that when hunters kill animals they don't imagine them self as the animals getting hurt or even killed. They just do it because of their job or to get paid.In this world, there are lots of job that don't hurt animals.