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Okay, now through out this blog i haven't really talked about how to save animals

So right now i am going to tell you how.Saving animals in a second step. Saving the environment is the first step. You have to help the environment first before you help the cute animals! Here are some steps to help the environment and the animals...

  1. Don't throw plastic paper into the sea or any type of water where there is fishes because fishes don't know a lot of things. So they go into the bags and they get stuck. You may think there are still alot of fishes in the world but if we keep doing this than in a couple of week or months we might not even have 1000 fish left. Picture from:


2. Don't use a lot of paper because if we use alot of paper than people are going to cut down the trees for us. If they cut down trees than what will our wild animals eat? Some animals eat tree or nature plants. If we cut down on what they eat than they are going to die because of no food.

Do you see how saving the environment can help the animals too. So really think hard about helping the environment and how it's the same to the animals.